Michaela Sonnleitner

Study & Career

2024– Emplyoee in the project "Online-Atlas of the Austrian Flora"

2016– Project member of "ABOL - The Austrian Barcode of Life"

2016–2020 Employee in the project "Red Data List of Austrian Vascular Plants"

2012–2015 Project member of "Global Plants Initiative" at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, focusing on digitizing of type specimens in Herbarium WU 

2010– Teaching field courses at the University of Vienna

2008–2017 PhD thesis within the FWF project "Origin and maintenance of intrapopulational cytotype mixture in an alpine plant species (Senecio carniolicus, Asteraceae)", supervised by Peter Schönswetter and Karl Hülber

2008 Diploma thesis "Einfluss mikroklimatischer Faktoren auf das Vorkommen epiphyller Moose im Unterwuchs des Esquinas Regenwaldes, Costa Rica" (supervised by Harald Zechmeister), abstract available here

2001–2008 Study of biology at the University of Vienna, Austria

Lists & Citation Reports


Showing entries 1 - 16 out of 16
Ehrendorfer, LE, Niklfeld, H, Schröck, C, Stöhr, O, Gilli, C, Sonnleitner, M, Adler, W, Barta, T, Beiser, A, Berg, C, Bohner, A, Franz, WR, Gottschlich, G, Griebl, N, Haug, G, Heber, G, Hehenberger, R, Hofbauer, M, Hohla, M, Hörandl, E, Kaiser, R, Karrer, G, Keusch, C, Király, G, Kleesadl, G, Gerhard, K, Köckinger, H, Kropf, M, Kudrnovsky, H, Lefnaer, S, Mrkvicka, A, Nadler, K, Novak, N, Nowotny, G, Pachschwöll, C, Pagitz, K, Pall, K, Pflugbeil, G, Pilsl, P, Raabe, U, Sauberer, N, Schau, H, Schönswetter, P, Starlinger, F, Strauch, M, Thalinger, M, Travnicek, B, Trummer-Fink, E, Uhlemann, I, Weiss, S, Wieser, B, Willner, W, Wittmann, H, Wolkerstorfer, C, Zernig, K & Zuna-Kratky, T 2022, Rote Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Österreichs. Stapfia, vol. 114, Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterr. Landesmuseen. <https://www.zobodat.at/publikation_volumes.php?id=69999>

Haring, E, Pinsker, W, Duda, M, Mason, K, Aschberger, M, Baumgartner, G, Bisenberger, A, Bulatovic, A, De Mattia, W, Eschner, A, Fehér, Z, Giokas, S, Harl, J, Hille, A, Kirchner, S, Kruckenhauser, L, Kysela, P, Macek, O, Markovic, J, Pinsker, D, Reier, S, Richling, I, Schileyko, A, Schindelar, J, Slapnik, R, Sonnleitner, M, Valentincic, J & Sattmann, H 2018, 'Snails on the rocks', Arianta, no. 6.

Duda, M, Haring, E, Bulatovic, A, Hille, A, Kruckenhauser, L, Macek, O, Markovic, J, Pinsker, D, Pinsker, W, Reier, S, Sefc, K, Slapnik, R, Sittenthaler, M, Sonnleitner, M, Valentincic, J & Sattmann, H 2018, 'The snail summiteers - Gastropod faunas of some exposed alpine locations in the Gesäuse National Park', Arianta, no. 6, pp. 41-46.

Hülber, K, Sonnleitner, M, Flatscher, R, Berger, A, Dobrovsky, R, Niessner, S, Nigl, T, Schneeweiss, G, Kubesova, M, Rauchova, J, Suda, J & Schönswetter, P 2009, 'Ecological segregation drives fine-scale cytotype distribution of Senecio carniolicus in the Eastern Alps', Preslia, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 309-319. <http://www.ibot.cas.cz/preslia/P093Huelber.pdf>

Showing entries 1 - 16 out of 16