Clemens Pachschwöll

Study & Career

2016– PhD student funded by the Uni:docs fellowship awarded by the University of Vienna

2014- Collaborator for the Online Flora of Burgenland

2014– Participation in teaching at the University of Vienna

2013 M.Sc. thesis "Species delimitation and evolutionary patterns in the alpine Doronicum clusii aggregate (Asteraceae)" at the Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, University of Vienna, Austria (supervised by Peter Schönswetter)

2007 Erasmus exchange student at the University of Geneva/Université de Genève, (Switzerland) with stays at the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Ville de Genève and the Jardin botanique alpin, «Flore-Alpe», Champex/Lac, Valais

2003–2013 Undergraduate study in biology, later specialization in botany, at the University of Vienna, Austria

Community services

Associate editor of the journal Neilreichia

Reviewer for Botany Letters, Frontiers in Genetics, Modern Phytomorphology, Plant Biosystems, Plant Systematics and Evolution

Grant support

2016– Uni:docs fellowship (University of Vienna: € 97K)

2012 Support for participation at the 15. meeting of Austrian botanists in Innsbruck (Association for the Advancement of Plant Sciences)

2011 Support for participation at the international conference "BioSystematics Berlin 2011" (German Botanical Society)

2009 Support for the diploma thesis (Association for the Advancement of Plant Sciences: € 4.5K)

Lists & Citation Reports


Showing entries 1 - 30 out of 30
Ehrendorfer, LE, Niklfeld, H, Schröck, C, Stöhr, O, Gilli, C, Sonnleitner, M, Adler, W, Barta, T, Beiser, A, Berg, C, Bohner, A, Franz, WR, Gottschlich, G, Griebl, N, Haug, G, Heber, G, Hehenberger, R, Hofbauer, M, Hohla, M, Hörandl, E, Kaiser, R, Karrer, G, Keusch, C, Király, G, Kleesadl, G, Gerhard, K, Köckinger, H, Kropf, M, Kudrnovsky, H, Lefnaer, S, Mrkvicka, A, Nadler, K, Novak, N, Nowotny, G, Pachschwöll, C, Pagitz, K, Pall, K, Pflugbeil, G, Pilsl, P, Raabe, U, Sauberer, N, Schau, H, Schönswetter, P, Starlinger, F, Strauch, M, Thalinger, M, Travnicek, B, Trummer-Fink, E, Uhlemann, I, Weiss, S, Wieser, B, Willner, W, Wittmann, H, Wolkerstorfer, C, Zernig, K & Zuna-Kratky, T 2022, Rote Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Österreichs. Stapfia, vol. 114, Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterr. Landesmuseen. <>

Essl, F & Pachschwöll, C 2009, Onosma helvetica Boiss. subsp. austriaca (Beck) Teppner. in Endemiten: Kostbarkeiten in Österreichs Pflanzen- und Tierwelt. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, pp. 186-189.

Showing entries 1 - 30 out of 30